Кои са недостатъците на чатботовете

Какви са основните недостатъци на чат ботовете?

Ако все още се чудите дали чатботовете имат някакви недостатъци - да, все още имат. Ето основните от тях:

Изисква време за създаване и внедряване на интелигентен бот
Липса на човешки емоции
Не разбира пълната контекстуализация

Те може да не са още толкова сложни и да не могат напълно да заменят хората, но с множество технологични пробиви ще видим пълния потенциал на чатботовете

Language Complexity

AI has come far, but not all chatbots are created equal, and many aren’t equipped to take on the full complexity of human language. This problem arises most often with customer service chatbots as users tend to explain their issues in detail, confusing or misdirecting the bot.

Businesses can reduce their customer service costs by 30% with the help of a chatbot, but the chatbot has to function well enough to appease users for the savings to be worth it.
Strict Scripts

Chatbots serve a specific purpose, but sometimes they’re too strictly scripted, and their flow isn’t lenient enough for any circumstance outside of the one-way script.

Users may describe their question or need, and while the words mean the same thing, the chatbot is only programmed to respond to keywords, so it fails to understand. It may also force users to take an unnecessarily long path to their answer or provide a lot of detail they don’t need because it forces them to move through tasks a certain way. Some dysfunctional chatbots also fail to consider the possible need to go back to a previous step.

These are all reasons why information architecture that supports UX is as vital for chatbots as it is any other app, website or software.
Design Limitations

Chatbots have limits to what they can provide due to their size, complexity and interface, especially on mobile. Some may handle voice-to-text well, while others don’t. And a chatbox may be incapable of displaying all of a user’s options in a digestible format.
Questionable Benefit

Some users and business owners question the benefits of using a chatbot. For example, a shopping bot may not be faster or more convenient when you have already spent years optimizing your site’s UX to include features like auto-login, wish lists or saved billing information.

It’s up to you to determine how a chatbot may or may not benefit efficiency or whether you want to implement an extra service through one.
Slow Page Load Times

If a chatbot script isn’t implemented correctly, it can slow down your website’s loading times. Site speed is crucial to providing a good user experience, and a second too long can result in users leaving for competitors.

You can prevent this issue by loading asynchronously and routing through external servers. From there, monitor your chatbot script with Google’s PageSpeed Tools.

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Какво предстваляват chatbots

Предимства на чатбот за бизнеса

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